Teaching and Learning History

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  • 1.  Call for essays on Teaching Writing in History

    Posted 04-20-2020 04:00:00 PM
    Writing in the History Classroom
    Call for Submissions: Textbooks and Teaching, Journal of American History


    How do we best prepare students to write historically?  What role can and should the history course play in developing students' skills to write for various audiences, media, and careers?  What do we learn about student writing through transdisciplinary teaching collaborations?  How do we support the growing number of English language learners while balancing the writing demands essential to our discipline?  How do we help develop writing skills in online classes?  The editors of the Journal of American History's, Textbooks and Teaching section seek articles and essays that speak to these and related questions.  We particularly welcome submissions that explore evidence of student learning and engage the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.  Please contact us with questions or to discuss submission ideas.


    Robert Johnston (johnsto1@uic.edu ) and Laura Westhoff (westhoffL@umsl.edu) with inquiries or questions. 

    Deadline for articles, July 15, 2020

    Laura Westhoff, Ph.D.
    Professor and Chair
    Univ. of Missouri, St. Louis
    Saint Louis MO

  • 2.  RE: Call for essays on Teaching Writing in History

    Posted 06-14-2020 11:52:00 AM
    I am currently a 9-12th grade history teacher and department chairperson. I am very interested in this topic and would like to receive any information or updates. I would also argue that teachers must also consider and address reading comprehension. I see usually that students who struggle with writing cannot read fluently. My department currently has an interdisciplinary research paper project on the sophomore and junior levels of our curriculum. We also incorporate writing and research into our freshman curriculum. I am interested in getting PD for my department members on how to teach writing more effectively. Too often I see a mental divide in history teachers that they don't teach English. They are not comfortable with critiquing/grading grammar and style choices in student writing.

    Kristen Witte
    Archmere Academy
    Claymont DE

  • 3.  RE: Call for essays on Teaching Writing in History

    Posted 06-16-2020 11:46:00 AM
    I see that in the lower grades (I am an Instructional Assistant in elementary school).  The emphasis is on reading comprehension in order to pass the End of Grading testing, not how to write effectively.  While my school's fifth-grade team attempts to teach writing during Literacy, the emphasis is on reading instead of writing and our students usually gravitate towards fiction texts instead of history texts (even those that are written for their reading level!).  I cannot begin to tell a person the writing skills of our students are somewhat lacking and that it falls on Middle School ELA (English Language Arts) teachers to teach writing skills.  I'll be following this thread also to see what other teachers say.

    Maria Taylor-Perry
    Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools
    Charlotte NC