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All: I am looking forward to meeting those of you who may be at the AHA annual meeting next month in NYC. I am particularly looking forward to the two sessions (AHA 142 on Saturday afternoon on SCOTUS and originalism, and AHA 185 on Sunday morning ...
The Remedial Herstory Project is issuing a call for speakers ready to record interviews in the next three-four weeks. Our podcast has international reach and can be a great vehicle for promoting your book, scholarship, or ideas. Please submit a proposal ...
Dear colleagues, AI tools are everywhere. What should we, as history educators, do to help prepare our students for success in a world increasingly shaped by chatbots and image generators? The AHA's ad hoc Committee on AI in History Education ...
Dear AHA members, Historians for Peace and Democracy is now collecting 50-word statements in support of the Scholasticide resolution that it will make public on its website: https://www.historiansforpeace.org/scholasticide-in-gaza/statements-against-scholasticide/ ...
Hi Stan, Suggest that you might contact Marie Sandy, PhD Director, Institute for Systems Change and Peacebuilding (They offer an under grad Peace and Conflict Studies certificate) Cunningham Hall, Room 495 1921 E. Hartford Avenue Milwaukee, ...