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NEH Grants for Community Colleges Deadline August 24

  • 1.  NEH Grants for Community Colleges Deadline August 24

    Posted 07-30-2015 11:25:00 AM

    Dear Colleagues,

    I wanted to bring to your attention a new program from the National Endowment for the Humanities, which will grant up to $100,000 to community colleges to enhance existing humanities programs, resources, or courses, or to develop new ones.  See details about the program below and for how you might use AHA resources to support your NEH grant.



    The National Endowment for the Humanities will award grants up to $100,000 to community colleges to enhance existing humanities programs, resources, or courses, or to develop new ones.


    NEH Humanities Initiatives may

    • create opportunities for faculty members to study together, in order to improve their capacity to teach the humanities;
    • support new humanities programs (which may include but are not limited to new humanities minors, first-year seminars, and capstone courses), and enhance existing ones;
    • support humanities contributions to professional training (in such fields as business, law, economics, technology, and nursing and medicine);
    • develop bridge programs for at-risk and nontraditional students;
    • help institutions take advantage of humanities resources, especially in the digital humanities; and
    • support collaborative projects in the humanities between the applicant institution and another institution, such as a college or university, a school or school system, a museum or library, or a historical or cultural society.


    Each project must be organized around a core topic or set of themes.


    The American Historical Association is committed to supporting the work of history faculty at community colleges. As you prepare your grant, we hope you’ll utilize the resources available to you as a member of the AHA:

    • Use the Members Forum to find collaborators
    • Propose sessions for the AHA’s annual meeting
    • Use the AHA website to disseminate resources produced by the grant, like we’ve done for the Tuning project resources.
    • Review materials from the Bridging Cultures project, the AHA’s NEH-funded project to promote a global perspective in US history at community colleges
    • Look at the work completed by the AHA’s Two-Year College Taskforce, to see where your grant-funded work might intersect with ongoing advocacy by the AHA


    If you have any questions about using AHA resources to support your NEH grant, please reach out to Emily Swafford, Programs Manager (eswafford@historians.org).


    You can also watch a webinar from the NEH about how to submit a strong application.


    Find out full information on how to apply online.


    The deadline is August 24, 2015.


    All best,


    Dana Schaffer
    American Historical Assoc.
    Washington DC