Teaching and Learning History

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What is the TLH? The Teaching and Learning History Community is a place to discuss issues and topics related to the teaching and learning of all fields of history at K-12, Two- and Four-Year institutions, museums, and public history sites.

Who can participate?  Anyone can register. Registered users (registration is free) can read,  post articles and links, and respond to topics and discussion threads,  but only AHA members can start new topics. Teachers, students, researchers, administrators, interpreters, and others involved in TLH are encouraged to respond.

Note: The AHA staff reserve the right to remove topics unrelated to teaching and learning history or that violate the AHA Communities Code of Conduct

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  • Karen, to clarify, are you specifically asking about how teachers are using AI tools like ChatGPT during actual class time to support live teaching and learning? Or are you more interested in how teachers are using AI behind the scenes to plan lessons, ...

  • It's great to see your interest in exploring the role of AI tools like ChatGPT in history education! While there's a lot of debate around AI in classrooms, some teachers have reported positive experiences integrating AI into their lessons. For instance, ...

  • Hi Sarah Here's the link to my NCHE presentation recording www.youtube.com/watch?v=36gGhn66sU8 As for you question regarding resources or articles to share with Middle and Upper School history teachers about copyright and ethical use of AI, restructuring ...

  • I'm sorry I missed this, Peter! Is there any chance you have a recording to share? I'd also love a great resource or article to share with Middle and Upper School history teachers about copyright and ethical use of AI, restructuring projects, and the ...

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