Teaching and Learning History

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  • 1.  Upcoming Virtual Events

    Posted 11-12-2020 12:54:00 PM

    Dear Colleagues,

    I know that many of you have been participating in the AHA's Online Teaching Forum. I hope you will be able to join us at these upcoming virtual events.

    November 19, 2020 at 2:00 PM ET-Deep Thoughts: Metacognition and Teaching Historywith Stephanie M. Foote (John N. Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education) and Laura McEnaney (Whittier College; VP of AHA Teaching Division)

    Webinar participants will be introduced to approaches they can use to help them become more aware of and responsive to their students' learning needs. Participants will leave the webinar with strategies they can use with the goal of "iteratively changing" their teaching practice. Register here.


    December 3, 2020 at 2:00 PM ET - The Role of Higher Ed in AP History Courses and Exams with Ed Ayers (Univ. of Richmond; Organization of American Historians), Julia Brookins (American Historical Association), Norm Jones (Utah State University), Michelle Kuhl (University of Wisconsin Oshkosh), and Dan McInerney (Utah State University)

    Pre-recorded content for this webinar from Sharika Crawford (US Naval Academy), Jennifer Foray (Purdue University), and Tim Keirn (California State University Long Beach) will be available soon.

    In light of continued developments to the way we conduct instruction and assessment, now even more critical to student success in a COVID world, this webinar will review several national initiatives that encourage a focus on outcomes-based assessment. Panelists will discuss AP History courses and exams, their focus on cultivating student skills and performance, and the role of higher education history faculty in all stages of the development and implementation of the AP Program. We will also address three key topics: equity and access in student participation; success in AP History courses; and student participation in subsequent History courses at the college level. There will be time for Q&A and discussion. Register here.


    January 7, 2021 at 2:00 PM ET - Virtual Assignment Charrette (part of AHA Colloquium)

    Want to get your course assignments peer-reviewed by fellow history educators? Join us for the first Virtual Assignment Charrette, part of Virtual AHA. We welcome assignments for all levels of history education. Anyone with a valued teaching assignment (to include traditional assignments, educational activities, or assessments) or a brand new one that would benefit from in-depth review and discussion with faculty from other institutions should consider applying. Assignments in which students engage with primary sources or are focused on online and hybrid instructional environments are particularly welcome. Learn more about the charrette here. Call for submissions will close on November 30, 2020.

    New this year! Ever wondered about the relationship between program outcomes and specific courses and assignments? Join us for "Fine Tuning Program Outcomes: A Curriculum Mapping Workshop" on Friday, January 15, 2021 at 2:00 PM ET, as an optional second part of the charrette. The workshop will be facilitated by veteran participants of the AHA's Tuning initiative. Description and registration information coming soon.

    Kind regards,
    Emily Swafford

    Emily Swafford
    American Historical Association
    Washington DC