I'm passing along an invitation from the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, an organization (based at Univ. of Illinois) that is also working on Tuning nationwide. These events are great opportunities for faculty to come together to discuss teaching and contribute to the growing online library of assignments from many disciplines. Note: "The project will pay travel and onsite costs and a $500 honorarium when the assignment has been completed and successfully submitted and accepted into the library." I've observed one of these, and heartily recommend participating if you can.
Please forward as you see fit. Sorry for the late notice. Application deadline is November 15.
NILOA’s Assignment-Design Charrette
The National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) will be conducting their fourth Assignment Charrette on Saturday, February 20, 2016. It will take place in New Orleans following the conclusion of AAC&U’s General Education and Assessment Conference. The charrette, or collaborative assignment-design process, is intended for faculty members and others who are designing and using assignments linked to proficiencies set forth in the DQP. The charrette provides an opportunity to share your assignment with others and to contribute to an online library of high quality, peer-endorsed assignments. Applications are due by November 15, 2015.
To learn more about the Assignment-Design Charrette, please click here. For more information about the Assignment Library Initiative or to view the current version of the Library click here.
Julia Brookins
special projects coord.
American Historical Assoc.