Teaching and Learning History

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Teaching and Learning Sessions at AHA 2016 in Atlanta, Jan. 7-10

  • 1.  Teaching and Learning Sessions at AHA 2016 in Atlanta, Jan. 7-10

    Posted 11-11-2015 03:36:00 PM


    This year again, thanks to my colleagues on the AHA staff, we have a handy online guide to teaching and learning sessions and events at the upcoming annual meeting in Atlanta. Thanks to all of you who submitted session proposals, we have a strong program on history teaching and learning coming up. There are even posters on teaching topics, which might be an AHA first! I encourage you all to take a look at the diversity of offerings and consider coming to the meeting if you can. 

    Let me call your attention to the second annual Teaching and Learning Networking Opportunity, Saturday, January 9, 3:45 PM-4:45 PM; Hilton, Room 203. This year we will have coffee, tea, and soft drinks, as well as door prizes in the form of books on history education issues and research. If you have a book you'd like to nominate as a door prize, please reply to this discussion or let me know in a private message! I've got a few ideas, but I'm sure you all have more. You can nominate your own books, too, of course. I'd love to hear about what people have been doing.

    You'll notice a lot of sessions related to Tuning. These promise to showcase the work and changes that history faculties have been undertaking, and to continue advancing the AHA's Tuning project in the new year. I'm looking forward to attending as many as I can.

    Finally, if you missed the applications for this year's Charrette on assignments in introductory history courses, not to worry. We will offer a concurrent workshop program for any meeting attendees who are interested in learning more about assignment design and implementation. More details on that later. In the meantime, for those who did apply for the assignment Charrette, I will get notifications out by this Friday.

    Hope to see many of you in a few months!


    Julia Brookins
    special projects coord.
    American Historical Assoc.