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April 8-Teaching the Past for Tomorrow CFP Deadline

  • 1.  April 8-Teaching the Past for Tomorrow CFP Deadline

    Posted 03-11-2015 02:05:00 PM
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    Hello all,

    Please see the attached call for proposals for a conference hosted by the California History-Social Science Project. The deadline for proposals is April 8 and the conference will be held Nov 6-7. Featured speakers include Alan Taylor, Teofilo Ruiz, and Mary Schleppergrell.

    The organizers are looking to solicit conference proposals from classroom teachers, educational leaders, university faculty, governmental institutions, representatives from museums, non-profit, and / or philanthropic organizations, and the history education industry. They are particularly interested in sessions that can address one or more of the following topics: History and the Common Core, Assessment, Teaching English Learners, Student Engagement, Politics and History, Preparing & Supporting History Teachers, Public and Private History, and History in Elementary Schools.

    Kind regards,

    Emily Swafford
    American Historical Assoc.
    Washington DC


    TPT Call for Proposals.pdf   710 KB 1 version