Teaching and Learning History

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Teaching at AHA 2015 in New York, Jan. 2-5

  • 1.  Teaching at AHA 2015 in New York, Jan. 2-5

    Posted 02-10-2015 11:35:00 AM
    This message has been cross posted to the following Discussions: Teaching and Learning History and Tuning Grant Committee .

    Hello all,

    Just wanted to call your attention to the recently posted video from the Undergraduate Teaching workshop at the AHA annual meeting last month.
    You can see about an hour of the presentations on the AHA's Tuning project.

    The part of the program we were able to record:

    9:00-9:10         Welcome, Introductions (Julia Brookins, Anne Hyde).

    9:10-9:40         Intro to Tuning (Dan McInerney)

    9:45-10:10       What I Did in Tuning (David Trowbridge, Reginald Ellis, Sarah Shurts, Brandon Morgan)

    Feel free to post any comments, questions, or responses you might have. I'd love to hear from you.

    Thanks to all of the people who participated for making it such a great workshop.


    Julia Brookins
    American Historical Assoc.
    Austin TX