Teaching and Learning History

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CFP: Berkeley conference on historical thinking (1/5/15 deadline)

  • 1.  CFP: Berkeley conference on historical thinking (1/5/15 deadline)

    Posted 12-20-2014 06:43:00 PM
    This message has been cross posted to the following Discussions: Teaching and Learning History and Tuning Grant Committee .
    Hello to AHA folks who are interested in teaching and learning. I received this CFP from the people at the UCBerkeley History Social-Science Project, and thought some of you might have great ideas for proposals, or might just want to attend the conference, which takes place May 1-2, 2015.
    If you'd like to use this AHA community as a place to generate ideas or find other presenters, please do so.

    Julia Brookins

    Fostering Historical Thinking Across the K-16 Continuum 


     May 1-2, 2015 at the University of California, Berkeley

    Keynote Speakers:
     Sam Wineburg, Standford University
    Bruce VanSledright, UNC at Charlotte (Just added!)

    This conference seeks to answer:
    •  How do we teach the habits of the historical mind across the K-16 continuum?
    •  How can educators across all levels support the teaching of historical thinking across the K-16 continuum?
    •  How can new platforms (social media, digitized archives, etc.) contribute to developing historical literacy?
    •  How can we assess the acquisition of historical thinking and literacy skills?
    •  What innovative pedagogical methods are being implemented with great effect in history classrooms?

    We are currently accepting proposals for this conference.  Questions may be addressed to: info.teachinghistory@gmail.com

    Hosted by: Simo Mikkonen, University of Jyväskylä, UC Berkeley History-Social Science 
    Project, UC Berkeley History Graduate Student Pedagogy Group, & the UC Berkeley Department of History.
     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Upcoming Programs
    Movement of Ideas in Global History Saturday Series - Starts Jan. 24. Learn More.
    The UC Berkeley
    History-Social Science Project is part of nine disciplinary networks that comprise the California Subject Matter Projects.  Visit the CSMP website for more information about our work in California schools. 

    Julia Brookins
    American Historical Assoc.
    Austin TX