Hosted by NILOA
Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 1:00 p.m. Pacific
"Tune in" to Tuning USA and IEBC experts in the field to learn how this vital strategy has tremendous potential to improve the quality of higher education in the United States.
To register, click here:https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7271512755758032641
Tuning USA is building momentum in the United States after Tuning Europe, founded in 1999, became an international phenomena in transforming the foundation of higher education overseas.
Brought to the U.S. by Lumina Foundation, and facilitated by the Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC), Tuning USA is a collaborative faculty-driven process that identifies what a student should know and be able to do in a chosen discipline when a degree has been earned. The process is designed to make higher education outcomes more transparent to all stakeholders, including faculty, students, employers, and parents, and to ensure the quality of degrees across institutions.
- Has had a major impact on educational institutions in Europe
- Provides clear expectations for, and pathways to, degree completion;
- Streamlines the process for students transferring credits between institutions;
- Helps ensure that the knowledge and applied skills associated with coursework align with civic, societal, and workforce needs.
Learn the value Tuning USA brings to improving quality in U.S. higher education and the challenges it faces.
- Learn how Tuning addresses vexing challenges in higher education
- Learn the key role of the Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC) has in growing Tuning USA
- Learn what role you can play in informing colleagues about Tuning USA
Webinar includes a Question and Answer Session
Presenters: John Yopp, Ph.D., manager of strategic partnerships for IEBC's Tuning USA work funded by Lumina Foundation, and associate provost for educational partnerships, emeritus, University of Kentucky, along with the IEBC team.
Dr. Yopp brings a wealth of experience and leadership in teaching, research, administration, and education reform at the state, national, and international levels. He is the recipient of many awards, including most recently, the Transatlantic Leadership Award from the European Association for International Education.