The Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education is very interested in learning from what historians have been doing to improve student learning and success through reexamining their introductory courses. Please take a look at their call for proposals for sessions at their annual conference on the Gateway Course Experience and consider putting together a session proposal. The deadline is October 3, and the conference will take place in Las Vegas on February 26-28, 2017.
I have been fortunate to attend the past two of the annual meetings, and have learned a lot and enjoyed the positive and collegial atmosphere. The conference brings together faculty and administrators from colleges and universities around the country--even some overseas. Several participants in the AHA Tuning Project were generous enough to present on Gardner Institute sessions in Charlotte in 2015 and Atlanta this year, and both sessions were well attended by history faculty and college administrators eager to find out more about what instructors are trying in terms of general education courses as well as the larger history curriculum. It would be great to see several sessions by AHA members next year.
Over the past few years, the Gardner Institute has also been working with the AHA Teaching Division to bring some of the lessons and resources from its work on introductory, or Gateway, college courses to more historians. Some of you may have seen the session "Riots in the Classroom: Overcoming Anxieties of Course Redesign" at the AHA annual meeting in Atlanta last January. This included data on student success gathered in the Gardner Institute's Gateways to Completion project as well as a presentation from Teaching Division Councillor Trinidad Gonzales about his course redesign, and a mini workshop on thinking about intro-course goals and practices.
Hope some of you will submit proposals!
For more information, visit:
Julia Brookins
special projects coord.
American Historical Assoc.
Julia Brookins
special projects coord.
American Historical Assoc.