Teaching and Learning History

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  • 1.  Revising the AHA's History Discipline Core Now: Feedback Requested

    Posted 07-12-2016 06:30:00 AM

    Have you used the AHA's Discipline Core statement of history learning outcomes and competencies? Have you thought about using it but found it unwieldy, incomplete, or otherwise not-quite-right? Well, we are working on revising the current (fall 2013) version, and need your input to update and improve it! We've come up with some questions to help you generate your ideas about the current document, and I'm attaching two other efforts to define the core outcomes of historical study, one from the European Union a few years back and another from a recent project of the Social Science Research Council. Please also take a minute to look over the existing version of the AHA statement to refresh your memory.

    Please see this message from Anne Hyde, the faculty chair of the AHA's Tuning Project:


    Dear Tuners and Those Interested in Tuning:

    We are revising, once again, the History Discipline Core. This version has been around for three years and we’ve gotten lots of useful feedback about how to improve, change, and, well, tune it. We’d like to have a new version (and some new examples of how people have used and adapted it) to publish and post around by September, 2016 so we need your help. So, here is very open-ended set of questions.

    1. How have you used the History Discipline Core? *

    *Specific examples (that you are willing to share publicly) of program learning outcomes or goals that you developed would be really useful here and specific

    1. What kinds of assessments have you developed for any of the specific competencies in the History Discipline Core?*

    *We would love to see anything you’ve developed – assignments, in-class work, rubrics – that focus on specific competencies and that you are willing to share publicly

    1. What needs to be added in terms of core competencies and skills that history students should be learning?
    1. Which competences could be revised, streamlined or ditched?
      1. Are there any competencies that might be too advanced for undergraduates? Are there ways we could scaffold these?
      2. Are there competencies that are difficult to assess?
    1. Anything else we should consider as we revise??

    You may either reply to this discussion through the Communities site (other community members will be able to see your post), or you may email your responses to tuning@historians.org with the subject "Discipline Core." In order for us to integrate comments and suggestions, please submit them by Tuesday, August 2.

    Thanks for you ongoing support and participation!

    Julia Brookins
    special projects coord.
    American Historical Assoc.

  • 2.  RE: Revising the AHA's History Discipline Core Now: Feedback Requested

    Posted 11-30-2016 11:09:00 AM
      |   view attached

    Hello all,

    We've finished the revision of the AHA's Tuning project Discipline Core statement and it will be going up on the AHA website in the next few days. In the meantime, for your preview here in the Teaching and Learning community, I'm attaching the new text along with some thought questions. We'd be happy to have this be the start of more discussion about our goals for students and how best to communicate them.

    Thanks to everyone who weighed in on the 2013 version and those who shared how they used or didn't use it!


    Julia Brookins
    special projects coord.
    American Historical Assoc.
