
Why You Should Consider Studying History

By Melissa Layne posted 04-18-2021 07:01:52 PM


People are usually more concerned about the present and future. They worry and try to predict what's going to happen next. Then they make plans for several possibilities. Isn't this demanding enough? Why spend valuable time worrying about the past as well?

Because history shows how different people can be in terms of values, beliefs, and cultural practices. We see how widely the human experience can vary depending on the time and place when you were born and how mankind has struggled to inhabit and share this world.

Studying history lets you see how the past has shaped the present and how it will shape the future. It helps you understand local, national and global relationships between different groups of people and political entities.

Historians use analytical tools and methods to turn historical sources into a critical perspective of the human experience. To study history means to study change.  

History Is Everywhere

Everything you see around you is the result of something. The computer or smartphone you're using to read this article is the result of historical events. A complex set of factors had to come together for our society to develop this way. Every other subject you might be studying, such as biology, chemistry, literature – they're all tied to history. History is everywhere, not just in stuffy books or boring documentaries.

Studying history is not about memorizing dates of battles. It's about answering questions. You start by asking yourself a question about the past, and then you use documents and other sources to answer it. A cheap transcription service will help you transfer your findings from your mind to paper so you can publish them, and someone else can use your findings to answer another question. Everything a historian discovers becomes a piece in a puzzle.

Career Options

By studying history you gain transferable skills like critical thinking and how to do research. These skills and the knowledge you acquire can lead to a variety of job opportunities.

Many people imagine that if you study history you either become a historian or a history teacher. In reality, some of the most popular career choices are government positions, journalism, consultancy, tourism, and project management.

Many of the most influential business people in the world also studied history. For example: Ken Chenault (CEO of American Express), Brian Moynihan (CEO of Bank of America), Lloyd Blankfein (CEO of Goldman Sach), and Susan Wojcicki (CEO of YouTube).

Prince Charles, Gordon Brown, George W Bush, Louis Theroux, Edward Norton, and Sacha Baron Cohen – all studies history.

History Teaches Us Empathy

As we mentioned before, history lets us see the richness of the human experience, so it helps us empathize with cultures, ideas, and traditions that are different from our own. We can see how much civilizations can change over centuries but that in the end, we're both different and the same.

You'll start to see patterns that other people don't notice, which will give you a deeper perspective. For example, by studying the history of public health, you'll see how pollution has a disproportionate impact on poorer communities or how immigration patterns throughout history have influenced current racial and cultural tensions.

